Oliver Dowden MP has expressed his disappointment following news of the appeal which allows development on the land lying to the East of Hartfield Avenue and fronting onto Barnet Lane, Elstree.
Developers Hawridge Strategic Land Ltd applied for planning permission, proposing to build up to 74 dwellings on Green Belt land. This application was refused by Hertsmere Borough Council and an appeal was brought by the developers.
Mr Dowden had opposed the development from the outset and submitted a statement to be read out at the appeal.
A challenge can be made in the High Court within 6 weeks of the decision date (25 March) if it is thought the Planning Inspectorate made a legal mistake.
Mr Dowden said: 'I am incredibly disappointed to learn that the Planning Inspectorate has allowed this appeal.
‘The Planning Inspector’s decision will mean the planning permission is granted for the development of up to 74 dwellings on Green Belt land. I continue to believe this is inappropriate development on the Green Belt.
‘Unfortunately, this may be a sign of things to come following the Labour/ Lib Dem Council publishing their Local Plan, which included this green space as a site to be built on.
‘Your Conservative councillors and I will be holding the Labour / Lib Dem Council to account going forward to ensure that this new plan addresses people’s concerns.’